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Jumaat, 31 Disember 2010



Two mothers and two daughters go to a pet store and buy three cats. Each female gets her own cat. How is this possible?

My life can be measured in hours,
I serve by being devoured.
Thin, I am quick
Fat, I am slow
Wind is my foe.

How could a cowboy ride into town on Friday, stay two days, and ride out on Friday?

What comes once in a minute, twice in a moment, but never in a thousand years?

What are the next 3 letters in this riddle?
o t t f f s s _ _ _

What letter is next in this sequence?
M, A, M, J, J, A, S, O,__

What's full of holes but still holds water?

What can you hold without ever touching or using your hands?

He starts and ends 2 common English words. One painful in love, one painful in everyday matter.
Do you know what 2 words I must be?

What is so fragile even saying its name can break it?


There is a grandmother, a mother, and a daughter.The grandmother is also the mother's mother, so there are 2 daughters and 2 mothers, but only a total of 3 people.

A candle

His horse is named Friday!

The letter M.

The first seven letters stand for - one two three four five six seven.

N. These are the first letters of the months of the year

A sponge

Your breath

Heartache and Headache


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